Image Name Code Algo Number of Data Sources Price In BTC Average Price In BTC Popularity Last Updated
Americancoin 64x64 Americancoin AMC scrypt 4 0.00047089 0.00018642 763 almost 3 years
Digitalcoin 64x64 Digitalcoin DGC scrypt 9 0.00000705 0.00001604 11261 about 8 years
Franko 64x64 Franko FRK scrypt 6 0.00001280 0.00015656 2420 about 8 years
Feathercoin 64x64 Feathercoin FTC scrypt 12 0.00000024 0.00006033 16638 almost 3 years
Litecoin 64x64 Litecoin LTC scrypt 22 0.00210975 0.00738886 186203 almost 3 years
Megacoin 64x64 Megacoin MEC scrypt 8 0.00001575 0.00004849 10647 about 8 years
Peercoin 64x64 Peercoin PPC SHA-256 17 0.00001159 0.00065011 25171 almost 3 years
Worldcoin 64x64 Worldcoin WDC scrypt 11 0.00002650 0.00001283 17085 almost 11 years
Cryptogenicbullion 64x64 CryptogenicBullion CGB scrypt 3 0.00026000 0.00012070 1254 over 10 years
Stellar rocket 300 Stellar STR scrypt 7 0.00000591 0.00010028 3889 over 9 years
Anoncoin 64x64 Anoncoin ANC scrypt 7 0.00060192 0.00052326 3010 over 10 years
Bitcoin gold Bitcoin Gold BTG scrypt 12 0.00308501 0.00092150 5681 over 6 years
Diamond 64x64 Diamond DMD SHA-3 6 0.00004519 0.00017761 2406 over 5 years
Globalcoin 64x64 Globalcoin GLC scrypt 7 0.00000276 0.00000115 1539 over 5 years
Goldcoin 64x64 Goldcoin GLD scrypt 6 0.00580360 0.00096953 2377 almost 3 years
Infinitecoin 64x64 Infinitecoin IFC scrypt 8 0.00000002 0.00013143 8831 almost 11 years
Unobtanium 64x64 Unobtanium UNO SHA-256 8 0.01324000 0.00974443 3536 over 7 years
Androidstokens 64x64 AndroidsTokens ADT scrypt 5 0.00000001 0.00000003 48 over 3 years
Quark 64x64 Quark QRK Quark 9 0.00003500 0.00000658 31457 almost 11 years
Zetacoin 64x64 Zetacoin ZET SHA-256 11 0.00000275 0.00000934 7413 almost 10 years
Tickets 64x64 Tickets TIX Scrypt-Jane 6 0.00000049 0.00000512 768 almost 6 years
Datacoin 64x64 Datacoin DTC Other 7 0.00000858 0.00000573 1200 over 8 years
Nxt 64x64 NXT NXT other 11 0.00000013 0.00001006 12010 almost 3 years
Florin 64x64 Florin FLO scrypt 6 0.00000012 0.00000191 1130 almost 3 years
Gamecoin 64x64 Gamecoin GME scrypt 4 0.00436602 0.00160461 415 almost 3 years
Dogecoin 64x64 Dogecoin DOGE scrypt 17 0.00000272 0.00000135 98838 almost 3 years
Orbitcoin 64x64 Orbitcoin ORB scrypt 8 0.00006690 0.00003103 715 about 8 years
Netcoin 64x64 Netcoin NET scrypt 8 0.00000008 0.00000347 2937 about 8 years
Memorycoin 64x64 Memorycoin MMC Other 6 0.00002342 0.00000927 928 almost 11 years
Catcoin 64x64 Catcoin CAT scrypt 6 0.00007000 0.00001225 1333 almost 11 years
Earthcoin 64x64 Earthcoin EAC scrypt 4 0.00000003 0.00000006 2300 almost 11 years
Monacoin 64x64 Monacoin MONA scrypt 9 0.00002050 0.00280084 891 almost 3 years
Dimecoin 64x64 Dimecoin DIME SHA-3 8 0.00000001 0.00000000 1121 over 10 years
Butterflycoin 64x64 Butterflycoin BFC SHA-256 4 0.00000220 0.00000140 0 almost 3 years
Blakecoin 64x64 Blakecoin BLC Blake-256 7 0.00000167 0.00000069 271 about 8 years
Cpucoin 64x64 Cpucoin CPC other 7 0.00000010 0.00004164 17 almost 3 years
Communitycoin ctc 64x64 Communitycoin CTC scrypt 6 0.00001647 0.00000663 0 almost 3 years
Crazycoin 64x64 Crazycoin CYC scrypt 6 0.00000208 0.00017705 14 over 10 years
Egcroundsmall EverGreenCoin EGC scrypt 7 0.00000094 0.00000366 254 almost 6 years
Emercoin 64x64 Emercoin EMC SHA-256 8 0.00000965 0.00004840 348 over 5 years
Geocoin 64x64 Geocoin GEO scrypt 8 0.00000282 0.00002413 97 almost 3 years
Gridcoin 64x64 Gridcoin GRC scrypt 8 0.00000019 0.00000396 1430 over 5 years
Hayekcoin 64x64 Hayekcoin HKC scrypt 2 0.00000001 0.00000001 0 almost 11 years
Italycoin 64x64 Italycoin ITC scrypt 5 0.00000015 0.00000004 0 over 10 years
Kittehcoin 64x64 Kittehcoin MEOW scrypt 7 0.00000001 0.00000001 3415 almost 11 years
Maples 64x64 Maples MPL scrypt 4 0.00000001 0.00012434 0 over 10 years
Ybcoin 64x64 YBCoin YBC other 5 0.00280001 0.07807025 121 over 8 years
Secondscoin 64x64 Secondscoin SEC other 5 0.00000561 0.00000113 12 over 7 years
Digibyte 64x64 DigiByte DGB scrypt 13 0.00000037 0.00000092 10959 almost 3 years
Particle 64x64 Particle PRT Quark 6 0.00000139 0.00000029 565 almost 4 years
Vertcoin 64x64 Vertcoin VTC Scrypt-N 12 0.00000581 0.00007270 15449 almost 3 years
Omni Omni OMNI other 8 0.00055751 0.00062505 329 over 6 years
Ripple 64x64 Ripple XRP other 13 0.00001319 0.00436529 39094 almost 3 years
Teslacoin 64x64 Teslacoin TES scrypt 7 0.00000106 0.00000647 812 almost 8 years
Qubitcoin 64x64 QubitCoin Q2C other 7 0.00000035 0.00000026 372 almost 11 years
Maxcoin 64x64 Maxcoin MAX SHA-3 10 0.00000208 0.00001416 4082 over 8 years
Dash Dash DASH X11 17 0.00196829 0.01217958 39379 almost 3 years
7083 1 Uniswap UNI scrypt 4 0.00017416 0.00008375 97 almost 3 years
Tittiecoin 64x64 Tittiecoin TTC scrypt 7 0.00000172 0.00045830 135 over 4 years
Noblecoin 64x64 NobleCoin NOBL scrypt 8 0.00000007 0.00000005 1063 almost 10 years
Potcoin 64x64 Potcoin POT scrypt 9 0.00000009 0.00000345 3326 almost 3 years
Reddcoin 64x64 Reddcoin RDD scrypt 10 0.00000003 0.00000006 5435 over 3 years
Mintcoin 64x64 Mintcoin MINT scrypt 10 0.00000007 0.00000390 5314 about 3 years
Counterparty 64x64 Counterparty XCP Network 7 0.00005656 0.00071522 1488 almost 6 years
Karmacoin 64x64 Karmacoin KARM scrypt 5 0.00000001 0.00000001 628 almost 11 years
Ultracoin 64x64 Ultracoin UTC Scrypt-Jane 7 0.00000216 0.00001229 778 about 8 years
Dopecoin 64x64 Dopecoin DOPE scrypt 7 0.00000022 0.00000024 524 almost 6 years
Auroracoin 64x64 Auroracoin AUR scrypt 10 0.00001557 0.00005330 4010 over 6 years
Pesetacoin 64x64 Pesetacoin PTC scrypt 6 0.00000093 0.00000036 362 over 6 years
Teacoin 64x64 Teacoin TEA SHA-256 3 0.00000019 0.00000023 167 almost 3 years
Stories 64x64 Stories STY SHA-256 2 0.00000001 0.00000001 5 almost 11 years
Rubycoin 64x64 Rubycoin RBY Scrypt 9 0.00002178 0.00004057 500 over 6 years
Blackcoin 64x64 Blackcoin BLK Scrypt 15 0.00000077 0.00004681 11522 almost 3 years
Pandacoin pnd 64x64 Pandacoin PND scrypt 7 0.00000001 0.00000001 389 almost 10 years
Marscoin 64x64 Marscoin MRS scrypt 6 0.00001010 0.00002946 116 almost 11 years
Zeitcoin 64x64 Zeitcoin ZEIT scrypt 7 0.00000000 0.00000000 1556 almost 11 years
Mazacoin 64x64 MazaCoin MZC SHA-256 7 0.00000011 0.00000017 981 almost 8 years
Myriadcoin 64x64 Myriadcoin MYR MultiAlgo 8 0.00000071 0.00000036 1720 over 7 years
Piggycoin 64x64 PiggyCoin PIGGY scrypt 7 0.00000042 0.00000012 541 almost 11 years
Stability shares 64x64 Stability Shares XSS scrypt 4 0.00004649 0.00005633 19 almost 11 years
Execoin 64x64 Execoin EXE Scrypt-N 6 0.00000002 0.00000439 246 almost 3 years
Eccoin 64x64 Eccoin ECC scrypt 7 0.00000001 0.00000018 710 almost 11 years
Hirocoin 64x64 Hirocoin HIRO X11 5 0.00000019 0.00000008 314 over 10 years
Platinum 64x64 Platinum PT SHA-256 2 0.00000009 0.00000923 14 almost 11 years
Silicon valley coin 64x64 Silicon Valley Coin XSV Scrypt-N 2 0.00000250 0.00000126 5 almost 11 years
Gpucoin 64x64 GPUcoin GPUC Scrypt-N 3 0.00000001 0.00000002 29 almost 11 years
Bitstar 64x64 Bitstar BITS scrypt 7 0.00000665 0.00000338 355 almost 6 years
Whitecoin 64x64 Whitecoin WC scrypt 10 0.00000071 0.00000487 1208 about 10 years
Asiacoin 64x64 AsiaCoin AC scrypt 9 0.00000211 0.00000391 522 almost 11 years
Einsteinium 64x64 Einsteinium EMC2 scrypt 9 0.00000033 0.00000190 870 almost 3 years
Blitzcoin 64x64 Blitzcoin BLTZ scrypt 1 0.00000081 0.00000081 5 almost 11 years
Cleanwatercoin 64x64 CleanWaterCoin WATER scrypt 5 0.00000024 0.00000330 24 over 9 years
Fluttercoin 64x64 Fluttercoin FLT scrypt 9 0.00000083 0.00000125 652 over 10 years
Procoin 64x64 Procoin PCN scrypt 6 0.00000003 0.00000001 14 almost 11 years
Isracoin 64x64 Isracoin ISR scrypt 5 0.00000103 0.00000290 85 about 10 years
Greececoin 64x64 Greececoin GRCE scrypt 1 0.00000020 0.00000020 0 almost 11 years
Pawncoin 64x64 Pawncoin PAWN scrypt 4 0.00000900 0.00000675 29 almost 11 years
Bones 64x64 Bones BONES scrypt 3 0.00000176 0.00000062 22 almost 11 years
Ghostcoin 64x64 Ghostcoin GHC scrypt 6 0.00000207 0.00000270 43 about 8 years
Polishcoin 64x64 Polishcoin PCC scrypt 6 0.00000060 0.00000013 29 almost 11 years
Legendarycoin 64x64 LegendaryCoin LGD scrypt 4 0.00006068 0.00004581 29 almost 7 years
Imperialcoin 64x64 Imperialcoin IPC scrypt 7 0.00000004 0.00000090 34 almost 11 years
Cryptoescudo 64x64 CryptoEscudo CESC scrypt 6 0.00000014 0.00000010 14 almost 11 years
Groestlcoin 64x64 GroestlCoin GRS SHA-3 9 0.00001485 0.00002490 935 almost 3 years
Bitcoin plus 64x64 Bitcoin Plus XBC Scrypt 7 0.00700000 0.00152346 186 almost 11 years
Summercoin 64x64 Summercoin SUM X11 6 0.00000399 0.00777245 14 almost 11 years
Universitycoin 64x64 Universitycoin UVC Scrypt 4 0.00000061 0.00000034 19 over 10 years
Solarcoin 64x64 Solarcoin SLR Scrypt 6 0.00000118 0.00000697 275 over 5 years
Global denomination 64x64 Global Denomination GDN X11 3 0.00000075 0.00000055 14 over 10 years
Cinnicoin 64x64 Cinnicoin CINNI POS 5 0.00000526 0.00000814 85 over 10 years
Communitycoin comm 64x64 Communitycoin COMM Scrypt 5 0.00000018 0.00000058 36 almost 11 years
Monero Monero XMR other 10 0.00422000 0.00440435 18792 about 4 years
Sharecoin 64x64 Sharecoin SHARE scrypt 4 0.00000008 0.00000017 19 almost 11 years
Jackpotcoin 64x64 Jackpotcoin JPC SHA-3 7 0.00000002 0.00000044 423 almost 10 years
Curecoin 64x64 Curecoin CURE other 7 0.00000090 0.00001729 304 almost 3 years
Fantomcoin 64x64 Fantomcoin FCN CryptoNight 6 0.00004800 0.00001616 290 over 10 years
Sync 64x64 Sync SYNC X11 5 0.13543118 0.03418711 157 over 9 years
Nautiluscoin 64x64 Nautiluscoin NAUT Scrypt 7 0.00003829 0.00010670 423 over 7 years
X11coin 64x64 X11coin XC X11 8 0.00001450 0.00033291 618 about 8 years
Litecoinx 64x64 LitecoinX LTCX X11 4 0.00000910 0.00000794 87 over 10 years
Granitecoin 64x64 Granitecoin GRN X11 6 0.00000150 0.00000078 72 over 10 years
Muniti 64x64 Muniti MUN X11 4 0.00000015 0.00000009 29 over 10 years
Dirac 64x64 Dirac XDQ Blake-256 3 0.00000118 0.00000593 36 over 8 years
Electron 64x64 Electron ELT Blake-256 5 0.00000739 0.00000158 60 about 3 years
Navajocoin 64x64 NavajoCoin NAV X13 10 0.00000288 0.00001887 1232 almost 3 years
Maidsafecoin 64x64 MaidSafeCoin MAID other 8 0.00000565 0.00002672 4039 almost 3 years
Talkcoin 64x64 Talkcoin TAC NIST5 5 0.00000028 0.00000011 48 over 10 years
Razor 64x64 Razor RZR Scrypt 5 0.00000723 0.00007200 85 over 9 years
Vericoin 64x64 Vericoin VRC Scrypt 12 0.00000008 0.00002917 1507 almost 3 years
Kryptkoin 64x64 KryptKoin KTK Scrypt 5 0.00000032 0.00000261 97 over 9 years
Bitcoindark 64x64 Bitcoindark BTCD SHA-256 11 0.01263301 0.00573511 744 about 7 years
Viacoin 64x64 Viacoin VIA Scrypt 10 0.00000162 0.00002717 1014 almost 3 years
Uro 64x64 Uro URO X11 7 0.00002001 0.00044378 51 over 8 years
Survivor 64x64 Survivor SVR X11 5 0.00001001 0.00000392 0 over 10 years
Quebecoin 64x64 Quebecoin QBC X11 5 0.00000234 0.00000050 12 over 10 years
Fractalcoin 64x64 Fractalcoin FRAC X11 3 0.00001585 0.00002078 14 over 10 years
Cryptcoin 64x64 CryptCoin CRYPT X11 6 0.00000429 0.00000515 58 over 8 years
Bluecoin 64x64 BlueCoin BLU X11 9 0.00000050 0.00000182 87 about 10 years
Bitsharesx 64x64 BitsharesX BTS NA 11 0.00000043 0.00273039 4942 almost 3 years
Judgecoin 64x64 Judgecoin JUDGE X13 3 0.00000079 0.00000066 58 about 10 years
Wankcoin 64x64 WankCoin WKC SHA-256 6 0.00000700 0.00000185 87 almost 10 years
Trustplus 64x64 TrustPlus TRUST X11 5 0.00000060 0.00000080 48 over 6 years
Captcoin 64x64 CAPTcoin CAPT POS 7 0.00000531 0.00000399 203 over 10 years
Titcoin 64x64 Titcoin TIT SHA-256 8 0.00000129 0.00000143 251 over 8 years
Cannabiscoin 64x64 Cannabiscoin CANN X11 8 0.00000017 0.00000299 406 almost 6 years
Boolberry 64x64 Boolberry BBR Wildkeccak 7 0.00028714 0.00008478 338 about 8 years
Prime xi 64x64 Prime-XI PXI X11 7 0.00000097 0.00000024 68 about 8 years
Startcoin 64x64 StartCoin START Scrypt 8 0.00000180 0.00000093 367 almost 7 years
Saffroncoin 64x64 SaffronCoin SFR MultiAlgo 4 0.00000053 0.00000430 39 over 8 years
Storjcoinx 64x64 Storjcoinx SJCX Counterparty 5 0.00028156 0.00011863 1667 over 7 years
Cloakcoin 64x64 CloakCoin CLOAK X13 8 0.00001904 0.00006837 580 over 5 years
Apexcoin 64x64 Apexcoin APEX X13 4 0.00000129 0.00000505 29 over 8 years
Greenbacks 64x64 Greenbacks GB Scrypt 8 0.00000099 0.00000127 39 about 10 years
Fibrecoin 64x64 Fibrecoin FIBRE Other 5 0.00020955 0.00014246 121 over 8 years
Globalboost 64x64 GlobalBoost BSTY Yescrypt 8 0.00000211 0.00000106 39 about 8 years
Aeoncoin 64x64 AeonCoin AEON Other 6 0.00000194 0.00001883 522 almost 3 years
Magi 64x64 Magi XMG Other 9 0.00000273 0.00001493 630 over 6 years
Blocknet 64x64 Blocknet BLOCK X15 8 0.00000885 0.00014797 522 almost 3 years
Maryjanecoin 64x64 MaryJanecoin MARYJ X15 4 0.00000122 0.00000339 29 over 8 years
Seed coin 64x64 Seed coin SEED Scrypt 4 0.00000067 0.00000200 0 almost 10 years
Verge VERGE XVG Scrypt 11 0.00000016 0.00000069 7466 almost 3 years
Ether 64x64 Ether ETH Network 16 0.06006271 0.03700227 113932 almost 3 years
Multiwalletcoin MultiWalletCoin MWC X11 4 0.00000017 0.00006950 10 over 8 years
Exclusive Exclusive EXCL X11 5 0.00000056 0.00000029 12 almost 3 years
Guldencoin Guldencoin NLG Scrypt 7 0.00000012 0.00000647 778 almost 3 years
Blitz Blitzcoin Blitz POS 4 0.00002100 0.00001575 39 almost 7 years
Gmc GameCredits GAME Scrypt 10 0.00000062 0.00002891 1787 almost 3 years
Nem shield 128x128 transparent 3 NEM XEM POI 11 0.00000169 0.00000625 9539 almost 3 years
Gemz logo Gemz GEMZ none 7 0.00000097 0.00000565 101 about 8 years
Spr SpreadCoin SPR SpreadX11 6 0.00000219 0.00000134 217 over 6 years
Logo SHADOWCOIN SDC Scrypt 8 0.00005116 0.00021178 464 almost 8 years
Anibob Dobbscoin BOB Scrypt 5 0.00000191 0.00000660 24 over 8 years
Clam logo Clam CLAM POS 9 0.00025239 0.00026077 1891 over 6 years
Burst Burst BURST NXT 7 0.00000050 0.00000063 1725 almost 4 years
Ok logo 300px OKCash OK Scrypt 7 0.00000032 0.00000099 440 almost 3 years
Decred Decred DCR Blake-256 13 0.00118108 0.04450768 4459 almost 3 years
Factom Factom FCT 8 0.00001127 0.00048242 2570 almost 3 years
Szbs jqp Vcash XVC 6 0.00004153 0.00003396 667 almost 7 years
Expanse logo Expanse EXP Dagger-Hashimoto 8 0.00000029 0.00004921 1179 almost 3 years
Siacoin Siacoin SC BLAKE2b 9 0.00000019 0.00000041 8413 almost 3 years
Bqrd5bhd Syscoin SYS New 8 0.00000768 0.00000534 1797 almost 3 years
Iocoin I/OCoin IOC X11 9 0.00000032 0.11123332 304 almost 3 years
J1glorx 6jx 9ayg Xedoscoin XDC Skein 5 0.00000126 0.00000121 24 almost 3 years
Sativacoin Sativacoin STV X-13 6 0.00000553 0.00001135 29 almost 8 years
Shift logo red 64 Shift SHIFT Dagger-Hashimoto 5 0.00000599 0.00001478 338 over 5 years
Europecoinlogo Europecoin ERC X11 5 0.00001755 0.00001139 217 over 6 years
Root RootCoin ROOT Scrypt 4 0.00000049 0.04369242 10 over 8 years
Lisk Lisk LSK 11 0.00004377 0.00016682 8263 almost 3 years
Tx medium Transfercoin TX X11 7 0.00000090 0.00000680 203 over 5 years
Img 168 Sprouts SPRTS SHA256 5 0.00000001 0.00000000 97 over 8 years
N1gzkuwp The DAO DAO Smart Contract 7 0.00019464 0.00010604 186 over 8 years
Fuelcoin Fuelcoin FC2 X11 4 0.00000114 0.00000065 29 almost 8 years
60x60bitsend icon BitSend BSD X11 - Masternodes 6 0.00000099 0.00000189 232 over 5 years
Waves WAVES WAVES 10 0.00031223 0.00027261 6401 almost 3 years
I5tc2ex Nexus [Niro] NXS SHA3 5 0.00000434 0.00001977 374 almost 3 years
Download Amsterdamcoin AMS Quark 5 0.00000125 0.00000029 0 over 8 years
Cv2hrgp Sembrotokencoin SMBR Scrypt 4 0.00000452 0.82106882 19 over 8 years
Digix dao copy 300x300 Digix DGD 8 0.00132044 0.00550567 329 over 5 years
Cropped darknet logo coin 1368x1368x72 e1445563181787 Darknet DNET Quark 4 0.00002570 0.00008401 19 about 8 years
Zc7zhax Voxels VOX 8 0.00001669 0.00001404 193 about 7 years
Ksqpzhy Sterlingcoin SLG X13 6 0.00000888 0.00000373 29 about 8 years
Qhjsjqr EnergyCoin ENRG Scrypt 4 0.00000069 0.00000020 48 over 6 years
Preuzmi %289%29 PantherCoin pink scrypt 5 0.00000004 0.00000010 97 over 3 years
Steemit share STEEM STEEM Other 7 0.00000886 0.00009248 2841 almost 3 years
Etc logo Ethereum Classic ETC Network 12 0.00073130 0.00057696 10928 almost 3 years
Qakfeih LBRY Credits LBC lbry 7 0.00000040 0.00000540 1353 almost 3 years
Site logo WARP WARP POS 6 0.00000200 0.00000660 0 about 8 years
6945 1 Amp AMP 8 0.00000039 0.00002804 773 almost 3 years
Logo white Rise RISE 6 0.00003053 0.00000662 290 about 7 years
Augur Augur REP 11 0.00187605 0.00108622 3481 over 4 years
Logoverium Verium VRM Scrypt2 6 0.00003598 0.00001502 145 almost 6 years
Qecznty Ardor ARDR 6 0.00000409 0.00000369 1957 almost 3 years
Mrbitbean BitBean BITB SHA256 7 0.00000003 0.00000025 541 over 5 years
Quatloo main Quatloo QTL Scrypt 6 0.00000979 0.00000515 87 over 7 years
Zcash logo square Zcash ZEC Equihash 12 0.00296878 0.00888771 9130 almost 3 years
Sib Sibcoin SIB X11Gost 8 0.00000037 0.00000783 232 almost 3 years
Monaco Monaco MCO SHA-256 7 0.00020697 0.00044153 440 about 4 years
Ion ION ION Algorithm X11 5 0.00000075 0.00213478 36 over 4 years
Steemdolar2 STEEM dollar SBD 5 0.00008947 0.00008405 217 almost 3 years
Mc7ibpjf Byteball GBYTE Other 5 0.00042703 0.00195944 773 almost 3 years
Ark welcome ARK ARK 6 0.00002000 0.00002873 2217 almost 3 years
Smhwyzy SingularDTV SNGLS 6 0.00001152 0.00000389 435 over 7 years
Qyzpj2r Pivx PIVX 7 0.00000390 0.00002850 2841 almost 3 years
Vtr logo vTorrent VTR Scrypt 4 0.00001375 0.00003345 29 over 6 years
1455 1 Golem GLM 10 0.00001147 0.00000791 6232 almost 3 years
Card Edgeless EDG n/a 6 0.00000008 0.00000058 232 almost 3 years
Screen shot 2016 08 13 at 23.34.35 Bitcrystals BCY Other 6 0.00000445 0.00002279 116 over 6 years
Gnosis Gnosis GNO 9 0.00636585 0.00360941 870 almost 3 years
Stratis logo Stratis STRAX Other 8 0.00002008 0.00002981 4290 almost 3 years
Synxlogo Syndicate SYNX X11 6 0.00000018 0.00000561 551 over 5 years
Humaniq Humaniq HMQ Network 5 0.00000016 0.00000017 302 over 3 years
Komodo png 800 236x300 Komodo KMD 7 0.00000760 0.00004837 1150 almost 3 years
Musicoin Musicoin MUSIC Dagger-Hashimoto 5 0.00000002 0.00000016 326 over 5 years
Zcoin icon 300x300 ZCoin XZC Lyra2z 6 0.00021963 0.00030182 493 over 4 years
Zclassic Zclassic ZCL Equihash 5 0.00004924 0.00006532 435 over 5 years
Crown dark Crown CRW Auxpow (Sha256d) 6 0.00000094 0.00000435 275 almost 3 years
Faircoin vertical 4c FairCoin FAIR 4 0.00003645 0.00000911 213 almost 7 years
Ubiq UBIQ UBQ Dagger Hashimoto 5 0.00000118 0.00000609 386 almost 3 years
Neo NEO NEO 11 0.00037337 0.00058939 11213 almost 3 years
Ringedq 2x Quantam-Resistant Ledger QRL other 4 0.00000683 0.00000613 68 almost 3 years
Bcash Bitcoin Cash BCH SHA256 12 0.00616659 0.01540811 18087 almost 3 years
Aragon Aragon ANT 8 0.00006204 0.00007805 483 almost 3 years
Elastic logo Elastic XEL PoS 4 0.00000009 0.00000009 97 over 4 years
Omisego OmiseGo OMG N/A 12 0.00008333 0.00008875 7652 almost 3 years
Eos logo EOS EOS DPoS 13 0.00004230 0.00034177 5778 almost 3 years
Images Melon Tokens MLN Other 6 0.00041767 0.00164111 58 over 5 years
Logo decent DECENT DCT DAPP 5 0.00000023 0.00118590 121 over 4 years
Qtum Qtum QTUM ERC20 10 0.00013014 0.00015350 1449 almost 3 years
Basic attention token Basic Attention Token BAT ERC20 12 0.00001306 0.00001921 3043 almost 3 years
Stellar rocket 300 Stellar Lumens XLM Other 8 0.00000461 0.00000534 6512 almost 3 years
Tenx logo dark TenX PAY ERC20 9 0.00000056 0.00003140 1304 almost 3 years
Civic Civic CVC 8 0.00000582 0.00001017 754 almost 3 years
Salt SALT SALT ERC20 6 0.00001249 0.00000503 638 almost 6 years
Zencash ZenCash ZEN Equihash 5 0.00068043 0.00050069 870 almost 3 years
Logo blue Storj STORJ Ethereum 9 0.00001926 0.00001639 1022 almost 3 years
Radium Radium RADS 6 0.00005438 0.00008671 87 over 4 years
Golos 1 Golos GOLOS Other 5 0.00000113 0.00000026 85 almost 6 years
Ax9q 1di 400x400 Power Ledger POWR ERC20 7 0.00000932 0.00000642 1420 almost 3 years
Bancor Bancor BNT 9 0.00004199 0.00002650 326 almost 3 years
Hempcoin rotate Hempcoin THC Scrypt 4 0.00000004 0.00000003 48 almost 3 years
6636 1 Polkadot DOT Scrypt 7 0.00031913 0.00012285 626 almost 3 years
Dnt district0x DNT ERC20 5 0.00000177 0.00000110 181 almost 3 years
Jdytwv 0 FunFair FUN ERC20 8 0.00000034 0.00000028 792 over 5 years
Cardano Cardano ADA - 9 0.00001938 0.00000999 7391 almost 3 years
Ignis Ignis IGNIS child chain 5 0.00000027 0.00000072 1304 almost 3 years
0x 0x ZRX Ethereum 12 0.00001329 0.00002185 812 almost 3 years
Chainlink logo ChainLink LINK Ethereum 8 0.00023226 0.00026407 1198 almost 3 years
Rvn Raven RVN X16R 6 0.00000092 0.00000136 391 almost 3 years
Numeraire Numeraire NMR ERC20 7 0.00039754 0.00056568 34 almost 3 years
Adex logo clean AdEx ADX ERC20 4 0.00000714 0.00000447 10 almost 3 years
Xhv Haven XHV Cryptonight Heavy 4 0.00009621 0.00002835 58 almost 3 years
Pirsxpep Tezos XTZ 8 0.00006379 0.00002888 754 almost 3 years
2208 EncrypGen DNA ERC20 6 0.00000001 0.00000237 0 almost 3 years
Tron Tron TRX 10 0.00000279 0.00000297 1184 almost 3 years
Particl Particl PART 4 0.00001362 0.00001462 29 almost 3 years
Ripio Ripio Credit Network RCN ERC20 7 0.00000027 0.00000139 34 over 3 years
57595e69b9c4965e8d9caed42d4e7b81 Dragon Chain DRGN ECR20 6 0.00000061 0.00000096 43 almost 3 years
Enjin coin logo Enjin Coin ENJ Proof of work 7 0.00002116 0.00001086 118 almost 3 years
Bittube symbol green BitTube TUBE 5 0.00000001 0.00000017 72 almost 3 years
3635 Chain CRO 5 0.00000605 0.00000274 314 almost 3 years
Bsv Bitcoin SV BSV SHA-256 6 0.00192480 0.00118765 580 almost 3 years
Hive Hive HIVE Other 4 0.00001742 0.00001057 164 almost 3 years
Zilliqa logo Zilliqa ZIL 7 0.00000167 0.00000070 118 almost 3 years
Annotation 2020 03 28 112210 Hive Backed Dollar HBD DPoS 4 0.00003050 0.00002864 39 almost 3 years
Wings Wings WINGS 5 0.00000020 0.00000034 0 almost 3 years
Icon logo ICON ICX 4 0.00001294 0.00000672 48 almost 3 years
Status Status SNT Ethereum 8 0.00000138 0.00000105 58 almost 3 years
Pundix logo Pundi X NPXS 5 0.00000005 0.00000004 0 over 3 years
Vechain logo VeChain VET 6 0.00000103 0.00000048 275 almost 3 years
Rlc iExec RLC RLC 6 0.00002957 0.00002844 0 almost 3 years
3794 Cosmos ATOM POS 8 0.00031218 0.00015389 116 almost 3 years
Logo tusd TrueUSD TUSD 4 0.00003309 0.00003054 19 almost 3 years
Ontology logo Ontology ONT 4 0.00000993 0.00000591 0 almost 3 years
7nlrc7ji 400x400 Loopring LRC - 8 0.00001809 0.00000670 58 almost 3 years
Jg bbfsg 400x400 Kyber Network KNC 7 0.00006528 0.00003905 0 almost 3 years
Bitmark logo Bitmark BTM Scrypt 6 0.00000002 0.00000495 0 almost 3 years
Grin GRIN GRIN Cuckoo 5 0.00001702 0.00000380 24 over 3 years
Bittorrent btt logo BitTorrent BTT 6 0.00000002 0.00000001 43 about 3 years
Monetaryunit 1 MonetaryUnit MUE X11 4 0.00000006 0.00000011 0 almost 3 years
Ios token logo IOS Token IOST 6 0.00000057 0.00000024 14 almost 3 years
Drop matchpool 520 fav Matchpool GUP 5 0.00000002 0.00000001 0 over 4 years
J9dnvqm StealthCoin XST X13 4 0.00000038 0.00000016 10 almost 3 years
5034 1 Kusama KSM 4 0.00244777 0.00102886 58 almost 3 years
Ptoy patientory.jpg Patientory PTOY 4 0.00000011 0.00000018 10 almost 3 years
Xym Symbol XYM 5 0.00000188 0.00000092 97 almost 3 years
Usdc USD Coin USDC Ethereum 4 0.00003296 0.00003053 68 almost 3 years
7278 1 Aave AAVE 5 0.00353544 0.00240942 48 almost 3 years
3964 1 Reserve Rights RSR 4 0.00000021 0.00000011 0 almost 3 years
Algorand Algorand ALGO Pure PoS 4 0.00001278 0.00000555 48 almost 3 years
Kadena Kadena KDA - 6 0.00006838 0.00005769 14 almost 3 years